
Bestsellers Club
Be one of the first to pick up your favorite authors’ new release! Request automatic holds on new hardback titles before they hit the Library shelves.
Blockbuster Club
Be one of the first to pick up the next big movie! Request automatic holds on films that gross over $25 million at the box office.
Computers & Wifi
Need to use a computer? No problem we have public PC's available now!
BPL Library Card, Read. Discover. Create
The most valuable card in your wallet gives you print and digital access to books, movies, music, and more!
Delivery of a bag of books
Qualified individuals living in Barberton may receive Library materials delivered to their homes.
Historic Board room with O.C. Barber Mansion stained glass windows
Need a little space? We have meeting rooms and study rooms available for public use.
Children's Library Alison handing literature to child at elementary school
Our definition of service extends into the community.
U.S. Passport
The Barberton Public Library is a U.S. Passport Acceptance Agency.
Using a copy machine
We’re never out of ink!
Librarian Anna Reading to school children
For groups, presentations, schools, and more! From Local History to storytimes we’ll bring our show on the road.
Bikes in bike stand
Bike borrowing at its finest!
Notary Stamp
Free Notary Service



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