
Early Barberton Businesses


Prior to Barberton’s founding, O.C. Barber recognized the area’s potential for a city, located along both the canal and rail lines. In 1891, Barberton was founded and after a brief economic lag, the new village began growing rapidly and soon became a thriving city.  


The 1976 BHS Basketball Season


Through the winter of 1975-76 the Barberton High School basketball team led the city on an enchanted journey. Guided by Coach Jack Greynolds, the team won every regular season game and began a march to the state championship. The team was primed for something great to happen.


Virtual: Frontier Life in Ohio

The Frontier. Pioneers. Manifest Destiny. These terms have romanticized frontier life as being adventurous and the settlers as daring and brave. And, though they were brave, the frontier life was not romantic; instead, it was extremely challenging, grueling, and dangerous. “Pioneer Ohio” refers to the time period following the War of 1812 and ending about mid-century. During this time, people flooded into the state and settled in new areas.


Virtual: The 1918 Influenza Epidemic


In the fall of 1918, shortly after the United States joined the First World War, Spanish influenza began to spread around the world. This epidemic proved not only more deadly than ordinary influenza, but killed more people in a single year than died in combat during World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam combined. Twenty-five percent of the American population contracted the disease; killing half a million Americans.


Virtual--Evening Book Club

Join librarian Mary Kay Ball and the members of the Evening Book Club as they discuss

Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of and American Family by Robert Kolker.

Call ahead to reserve a copy of the book and for a link to the Zoom meeting.
